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As you may be aware , that wool , as a natural and abundant fibre is much under used these days , particularly for it's insulating properties . In the centuries before thinsulate and goretex , man made plastic bubble wrap and polystyrene , these insulating properties were made full use of , for clothing , blankets , and anything else you could think of which needed insulating .
We tend to think of insulating things to keep heat in , but it is used to keep heat out as well . You can after all , use a thermos flask to keep your drinks cold in Summer , & also to keep your soup hot in Winter . We've just seen a great example today , of wool being used to keep the cold in ! This morning we took delivery of some venison and chicken from Graig Farm Organics . They are a family business and offer a really efficient service .We only tend to have meat once a week or so , and some times organic meat is not always available locally , though we do support our local farms and small businesses buying veg' and free range eggs from them where possible . Upon opening the cardboard box , as opposed to a polystyrene one , it was found to be lined with bags of WOOL! Great for someone who's business relies on wool Not only have we got our meat , but as you can see in the photo below, that there was also a challenge printed on the bags of woollen insulation , which I "felt" that I had to accept . So I made an owl from it , which I suppose should be called Graig ? The box of course will also be made good use of , as when possible , we keep packaging to ship our own products . The insulated bags are from a company called Woolcool . With the awareness that plastics and other synthetic materials don't break down once in the system , it makes sense that businesses are using an effective and available natural product like wool . Comments are closed.
December 2024