News & Updates
Hello all ! Just wanted to share an idea for a felting kit which you can make yourself . I asked Richard if he could come up with a template for a straight forward design which would look effective when finished , and not take too long to make . This is the first one. It's the typical view which we always seem to see when out on the fells . A Herdwick sheep , (or often several) either peering over the crest of a hill , or over the bracken looking to see what you're up to ! It should suit anyone who just wants to try needle felting . If however, you have some experience , then the basic template can be used & you can add your own creative touches, it is approximately A4 size . I hope to have some of these available at the workshops too . Check on the website over the next week or two . With regard to emails .Over the last couple of years at the workshops , many people have added themselves to the mailing list , and I've sent out the occasional heads up , but this year I'm just going to suggest that everyone checks the website on this page for any updates . There 's been a few problems with the emailing lists , some people have not received the messages, or for some reason they fail to send and I receive strange error messages . I may also use facebook to let you know if there's any updates here too.
See you soon ! Comments are closed.
December 2024